Progressive News for Your Health

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is lung cancer awareness month. Certain individuals at increased risk are recommended to undergo a low radiation CT scan of the lungs that can detect lung cancer at an early, cureable stage. Adults between the age of 50-80 who have a history of smoking qualify.

Is It Flu, COVID-19, Allergies, or a Cold?

There are numerous active circulating upper respiratory viral infections and the symptoms overlap. They most always resolve spontaneously and antibiotics do not help. The best defense is frequent hand washing and wearing a mask.

Daylight Saving Time is This Sunday November 6th

Remember – turn your clock back 1 hour this coming Sunday November 6th at 2:00am!

Practice Announcements

It’s flu season! Please make an appointment to get your flu shot if you haven’t already.

Next COVID vaccine booster clinic. We are having another COVID bivalent vaccine booster clinic on Thursday November 3. Please call if you would like to receive one then.

Big announcements coming soon. Notify us of any recent change in mailing address or contact information. Stay tuned for some big news.

‘Bike buses:’ Kids are commuting to school together in group bike rides and the idea is catching on

Kids will exercise! Sometimes it just takes some creativity.